Archives: Reviews

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Kelly Snyder

“My answer is to use
[View® from] HST. On the Origination side, we absolutely need things to go quickly….We want tools that can make it better, faster, quicker to get information to the right people.”

Luke Wilkinson

“View® has allowed my development team to increase the volume of early-stage projects we evaluate. Also, our development engineers are empowered to support the acceleration of site analysis and viable site triage using the platform.”

Vitaly Lee

“View® has allowed the development teams that I’ve led to dramatically accelerate how many early-stage projects they evaluate, optimize and advance with minimal support from engineering. It’s a force multiplier.”

Felipe Hernández

“My FRV development team has used View® over the last few years – it’s delivered both an increase in volume and quality in our early-stage project pipelines. Also, my development engineering team uses View® to increase the velocity of our site optimization and analysis.”

Jacob Susman

“DNV’s capabilities to quantify and reduce risk in the clean energy industry are top-notch… I’m glad they’re backing companies like HST and View® that are at the forefront of digitizing the energy transition.”

Kaare Helle

“We are super excited about this investment and partnership between DNV and HST. Rudy Roy and his team have created a brilliant platform to quickly assess clean energy project’s optimum design and match it with potential off-takers in a PPA.”

Marynes Cabrera

“Compared to our former processes, View® provides Avangrid with quicker and better initial site analysis and assessment, allowing our developers to evaluate project opportunities quicker, expedite the early stage site analysis and develop more projects.”

Jonathan Botkin

“View® allowed us to quickly and efficiently go through hundreds of design iterations to determine the configuration of equipment and design parameters that provided the LCOE. As an early adopter of the View® technology, my team was able to get a tremendous amount of work done in a short time.”

Itai Suez

“We found that it (View®) brought significant benefits, including project gains of as much as 60 basis points in return from the early development stage search, translating to potentially millions of dollars of additional returns.”